Gondwana Marine Services is now Taylor Smith Naval Services, Seychelles
September 1, 2016
Rebrand seeks to strengthen presence in the region & expand services & products

We are pleased to announce that as of 01 September 2016, Gondwana Marine Services is now rebranded as Taylor Smith Naval Services, Seychelles.
This move sees a significant shareholder – The Taylor Smith Group – overtake the managing of what was formally Gondwana Marine Services. The Taylor Smith Group is also responsible for Taylor Smith Boatyard, Mauritius and the rebrand brings the Seychelles operations into the fold, strengthening the brand across the region and streamlining management, skills and expertise.
But what does this mean for you, our valued client?
Firstly, you can rest assured that everything you have come to love about Gondwana Marine Services over the last 20 years of operation will remain intact and the high level of service you have enjoyed will never falter. Apart from the name change and aesthetics of the rebrand, the only other changes you will see will be for the better!
By uniting both the Seychelles and Mauritius operations under the Taylor Smith brand, our shipyard here in Seychelles will benefit from the company’s prestige, skills and expertise, as well as its vast network of local, regional and international partners & suppliers.
For our clients, that means all they can expect moving forward is an even better service delivery and ever increasing improvements to our facilities and product offerings.
Speaking on the rebrand, Rajen Naidu, General Manager of Taylor Smith Naval Services had this to say:
"The rebranding of the company has already generated more foreign exposure which will attract yachts to the Seychelles as the owners are now armed with the knowledge that our facility is backed up by a name that has been synonymous with quality within the marine sector for more than a 100 years."
We look forward to walking into the future with you under our new banner. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our team at admin@tsshipyard.com

If you have any questions, or would like to find out how we can help you, please do not hesitate to contact us today!